Thursday, December 10, 2009

Holiday thots...

"Happy Holidays..." Lot's of reactions to this wish.
  • I'm thinking of how that phrase totally ignores the REAL reason for the season... Jesus' birth is the reason we celebrate CHRISTmas. Perhaps HE is not the reason for THEIR celebration- -SO... should THEY say "Merry Christmas anyway? Like SAYING "I'm sorry." when really you aren't in fact you will do the same again if given the opportunity... Words are worthless if they don't reflect our heart... So instead of saying "Merry Christmas!" or "Happy Holidays!" perhaps we should just say "I hope we get what we want!" "Stay well, and enjoy your family!" "I hope my money holds out..." "Keep your Chin up!" "I hope we don't get all bent out of shape about the money spent or not there to spend... I hope I'm wrong when I sense that to my loved ones, MAYBE I'm just a machine to grant their wishes... " perhaps we don't REALLY believe that Jesus is GOD's gift to us - - to bring us back into harmony with Him when we have used every ounce of our freedom to push Him out of our lives... I KNOW the words are symtomatic of our country's attempt to turn from God, BUT I think we're really upset that the non-believers have put the spotlight on the shallowness the "faith" they see in believers. OUCH! "SAY 'I'M SORRY!' " we shout... when we should be seeking the whys...
  • I'm also thinking that for many of us, all holidays (ESPECIALLY Thanksgiving, Christmas, maybe Easter... birthdays ,too...) all these holidays are anything but happy. We remember sad times... we remember happy times that are gone forever... We see people around us buying what we can't buy... talking about family we won't see... It can easily become a pity party! Just writing these words, I first saw the faces of lonely friends... then I became in touch with my OWN lonely places... It's possible to go through the motions and look HAPPY when the depth of sorrow within us seems insurmountable- -death, job loss, broken relationships... Is it any wonder that this time of year sees SO many suicides? Everyone around them acts out the play: "HAPPY Holidays! Merry Christmas!" There is that spotlight again... surely we must be the only one who feels so low... PRETEND- -try to forget, dull the pain with alcohol/drugs. I wonder what would happen IF we took Jesus at His word? When greeted by sisters, heart-broken at the death of their brother: Jesus didn't say "Cheer up! Just don't think about it!" "Jesus wept." That's it. John 11:35 is so telling about what was important to Jesus. Why did He weep? His friend had died. His friends were bereaved. He knew he would also have to die. Whatever was behind his tears, THIS I know: He didn't pretend to be happy, "Jesus wept." Something else though, Jesus didn't stay immersed in his tears, grief - - He did something. he walked and talked to friends and to God... and He gave us a glimpse beyond the brevity of THIS life... no matter how FINAL... how lonely... looking toward the end of His life we see that even under the oppression of government out of control.... Jesus held fast to something bigger than the immediate concern. "Can ANYTHING good come out of Nazareth?"
  • "Happy Holidays!" NO! "Merry Christmas!" No. That's not it either. Let's encourage folks to be honest. If you don't believe it, don't say it. NOW, fellow Christians, what should be our testimony to unbelievers? "If you don't SAY you believe, I won't shop at your store?" Come on, let's see the REAL Jesus in this. Jesus knew something we often forget, no matter how happy they SEEM on the outside - -handling their stresses over money, love and maybe they seem to be enjoying undisciplined passions - - They are miserable, without Jesus. AND no matter how miserable WE naturally should be when facing losses, stress and crises: When we focus on Jesus, AND TRUST that God is bigger than all of it, eternal and truly cares for us... our message should be one of hope and confidence in the face of despair, not criticism.